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Students with Different Learning Needs


Early Identification and Intervention Programme for Primary One Students with Learning Difficulties

We identify those P.1 students who are at risk of learning difficulties so that we can provide early support and intervention promptly.


Students Guidance Services

We follow up the identified Special Educational Needs (SEN) cases and arrange regular meetings with teachers and parents regarding students’ needs. We refer cases to our school’s social worker and education psychologist whenever necessary. We provide the identified SEN students with learning support, assessment accommodation or intervention. We keep track on the growth of SEN students and evaluate the effectiveness of the support from school. We develop Individual Educational Plan for students with extreme learning needs. We launch learning groups for SEN students in order to equip them with the skill set they need for effective school life.


Speech Therapy

We identify the speech problems of individual students and provide individual or group training for them. We set up meetings for teachers and parents with speech therapist to ensure consistent strategies are applied to help students deal with their speech difficulties.


Learning Support

We identify students with learning difficulties and discuss with parents to provide special arrangements on homework and examinations. Students in need are provided with diversified learning opportunities through small class teaching and the "Senior Ambassador Scheme". Our school also offers tailored teaching and learning activities to Non-Chinese students. 


Parents Meeting and Parent Support Group

Our school’s social worker and other professionals conduct Individual Parent Meetings or Case Conferences on a regular basis to support individual parents. Parent Support Group run by our school’s social worker helps parents develop effective parenting skills that address their children’s specific learning needs through sharing.


Teacher Professional Development

We arrange teacher workshops and professional training to equip our teachers with the strategies they need to handle students with different needs.